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Domestic steel electricity open new model

AddTime:2017-02-03 13:50:24   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close


In China, more and more traditional industries reap the benefits of the digital economy, including the turnover frequently tens of millions of yuan's "big" - steel.
Click the mouse can buy steel, iron and steel industry to embrace the Internet is not only the trend of The Times, has made remarkable achievements, it's on the list of commodities B2B electricity industry even permeability than the giants in the crawling with ali, jingdong retail consumer products.
From scratch, from burning money loss to profit to earn money, steel electricity in five years time, among them, 2016 was a watershed. This year, steel electricity after "their" big development in 2015, into the "intensive cultivation" period as a whole. Precipitation, value, fusion, become the steel electricity 2016 keywords.
Finally the year profit
Steel electric business opportunity to rise from steel trade crisis of 2012. Collapse of the financial crisis led to the credit, the industry a depression, steel mills, dealers, currency traders alike are "net" actively, build up their own steel electric business platform.
The 2015-2016 China steel electricity industry development report shows that by the end of 2015, China's large and small steel electric business platform, which has more than 300, in the national commodity e-commerce enterprises accounted for about 48% of the total. Among them, in two years and is the strength of new steel electric business platform number accounts for 57%.
Steel mills leading electric business platform, for example, since 2016, the disclosure with 9.2 billion yuan price for quasi descibes shares into steel and environmental assets, electricity and dabble in Internet; Taigang stainless on interactive platform, has now set up his own electric business platform; Cultivation shares are open "steel + environmental + Internet electric business platform" transformation; Emerging pipes and electric business platform of well-known commodities - nishimoto Shinkansen joint venture into steel electric business.
Domestic steel electricity quantity in blowout trend, but the platform is uneven, the good and evil people mixed up, be summed up as "burn money not only to make money." The fundamental reason behind this is the iron and steel industry itself, excess capacity.
By 2016, however, steel electric business practitioners can finally slow a sigh of relief. This year, the domestic main electric business platform are quoted the earnings news, and the overall sound development momentum.
2016 years, looking for a steel net to become the first comprehensive profit steel electric business. To find relevant personage introduces stencil, platform has been realized during the first half of the overall profit.
New three board listed companies steel silver electric business to profitability in 2016. According to the latest announcement, 2016 years ago in the third quarter revenue of 26.7 billion yuan, net profit of 12.82 million yuan.
As mode gradually mature, the personage inside course of study thinks, for the field of steel electricity, appeared a profitable enterprise, at least one thing is clear, the steel "business logic" of electricity is feasible, this road is only.
Recruit, complementary advantages
If look from volume and permeability data, steel electric business outlook really enormous.
, according to the data in 2014, the national steel electricity trading volume is about 75 million tons, turnover is about 200 billion yuan. 300 domestic steel e-commerce market in 2015 reached 133.48 million tons of steel trade scale, turnover of 301.1 billion yuan. By 2016, the data continues to expand.
Professional bodies, according to the latest research report with 11 steel electricity company public data as sample, total revenue reached 60.8 billion yuan in the first half of 2016, corresponding to the steel volume (refers to the quantity of consignment) of about 30.4 million tons. Hypothesis 11 steel electricity trading volume accounted for 80% of the whole industry, 2016 steel electricity industry volume will reach 76 million tons. At the same time, the steel industry is not straight for the amount of steel in 400 million tons, that is to say, at present, the permeability of electric steel reached nearly 19%. In contrast, the non-ferrous industry, chemical industry electricity permeability are below 5%. Permeability is a steel electricity development results of five years. As the steel prices rebound in 2016, the main steel electricity trading platform of strong growth.
But 300 electric steel traders crowded into the bureau of the consequences of industry competition pressure. The current electric steel business has been transferred from market information, online trading to supply chain finance, cloud storage, such as deep business, new competition are in seconds, will also be more cruel. How on competition white-hot stage into various electric steel traders need to solve the problem.
Thus, in 2016 the new change, that is, in the context of the Internet speed up development, many steel electricity is more open, inclusive concept to each director, bulk. Because, the biggest value of steel electricity is economies of scale and optimize the industrial chain, complementary business between each other, together to jointly cope with more severe challenges in the future.
Supply chain finance has become a profitable new luminescent spot
Steel electricity is not simple, including the information of the industry chain, advertising, membership, transaction processing, logistics and distribution, finance, OEM and so on nine links, is very long.
In foreign nation, complementary advantages, layout, steel electricity continuously in recent years to the supply chain finance, logistics, warehousing, processing, and other fields, and in 2016 the biggest bright spot is the supply chain financial innovation. Steel electric merchants gradually realized that provide financial services will bring high profit for the company.
Compared with other industry, the steel industry supply chain with sharp features. First of all, the iron and steel industry belongs to the capital-intensive industry, steel as long basic product life cycle, require a lot of money to ensure the smooth progress of the production, circulation and trade. Secondly, on the steel industry supply chain, in addition to the core of iron and steel production enterprises, the upstream and downstream also gathered many affiliated enterprise, the current economic situation, the enterprise, the demand for money is also big, is urgent demand for financial services, to supply chain financial services put forward higher requirements.
"In B2B2. 0 times, must be a financial value, molded future data, data for the world, keep good faith to win the future." The personage inside course of study points out.
In addition to the vigorous development of supply chain finance in 2016 big data also become B side industry the importance of the Internet.
Steel silver electricity through SAAS services (using the cloud services), the data information services to infiltrate in the business management, operating decisions and the enterprise internal management, to help manufacturers to adjust the production and sales strategy, realize the flexible pricing, manufacturing-according-to-sale, promote the development of steel electricity efficiency, power transform and upgrade traditional enterprise of iron and steel industry.
After the precipitation of ecological supply chain
Although big electric business platform to solve the many pain points of traditional industry, has a broad market prospect. But compared with the ordinary commodity, commodity in payment and settlement, commodity management, transportation, warehousing and so on have more specific requirements, it is also a commodity must break through the barrier in the process of electric business platform development.
Actually, steel electricity development does not go to the online and offline form a closed loop, but in the industry and most enterprises to the whole industry chain of closed loop know enough, from trade to offline storage to solve the distribution of "one-stop" work style, only have a very broad concept. In fact, a big closed loop is composed of many small loop, each closed loop is composed of resource control, service ability and so on, are very critical.
Emphasized the personage inside course of study points out, commodity is not only a service capacity, and risk control ability. The major future platform will from volume, clinch a deal the data into the service ability construction, platform, risk control ability. Next, in service market and risk control of resource wars looms.
Experts point out that, at present each big steel electric business platform business overlaps is too high, but does not appear on the market too many mergers and acquisitions act, "is the trend of electric steel business in the future cooperation, merger and restructuring". The Internet is oligopoly economy, now China's steel has cooperation between electricity, future industry far from mergers and reorganization also?


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