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This year the state to eliminate excess steel production capacity of 5.95 million tons

AddTime:2017-02-03 10:23:16   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close


According to the China iron and steel news The meeting has been head of the enterprise, the local state-owned assets supervision and administration. Said Mr Xiao, director of the state-owned assets supervision and administration in 2017, state-owned enterprises benefit to achieve steady growth, the central enterprise profit strives to year-on-year growth of 3%, to 6%.
Soe reform as soon as possible to actual effect in important fields and crucial links, makes every effort to mixed ownership reform, including the group level, a breakthrough, in the electric power, oil, gas, railway, civil aviation, telecommunication, military and other fields to make substantive progress. Steadily promote enterprise mergers and reorganization group level, accelerate the steel, coal, electricity, business integration, explore overseas assets integration, further promote the implementation of specialized restructuring.
In 2016, enterprises implement total assets supervision system operating income of 43.6 trillion yuan, up 4%; Realize the added value of 10.4 trillion yuan, up 7.4%; Total profit of 2.3 trillion yuan, up 6.3% from a year earlier.
Among them, the central enterprises implement total operating income of 23.4 trillion yuan, up 2.6% from a year earlier. Realize the added value of 6.1 trillion yuan, up 5.2%; Total profit of 1.23267 trillion yuan, up 0.5% from a year earlier. Early in 2016 had a successful implementation benefits restorative growth targets.
In 2017 the focus of the reform of state-owned enterprises work, the focus of Mr Xiao puts forward seven aspects.
One is the goals and tasks to complete the production and business operation, create success to do more contribution. Seize the needs of the market rebounded in 2017, the price picks up a brief opportunity to increase production and marketing efforts, to develop good varieties, quality, creates the brand work, efforts to increase market share.
The second is to speed up the reform policy to carry out the ground, results in important areas and key links as soon as possible. In terms of mixed change, and thorough going efforts to promote a company type stock and mixed ownership reform. Actively explore diversified reform group level, complete the company restructuring of state-owned enterprises and support the central, central enterprises and between enterprises cross-shareholdings between local state-owned enterprises, vigorously promote restructuring listed.
Third, strengthen supply side structural reform, resolutely win lean body mass efficiency to be completed. Further promote the iron and steel, coal to work capacity.
In 2017, the central enterprises to eliminate excess steel production capacity of 5.95 million tons, dissolve excess coal production capacity of 24.73 million tons. Active in the non-ferrous metal, shipbuilding, petrochemical, building materials and electricity capacity to work in industries with excess capacity.
In 2017, 300 "zombie" companies disposal task. Promote key losses of enterprises, especially the important son enterprise business integration and super shunt, debt restructuring, means of work, strive to achieve loss-mitigation 50% year-on-year.
Four is to speed up the pace of scientific and technological innovation, enhance the innovation ability.
Five is stick to highlight the lean business, enhance the enterprise core competitiveness. Steadily promote enterprise mergers and reorganization group level, accelerate the iron and steel, coal, electric power business integration, integration to explore overseas assets. Further promote the implementation of the specialized reorganization, support the central enterprises to advantage leading enterprises and listed companies as a platform, through the equity cooperation business, asset replacement methods such as integration of homogeneity, continue to promote the material sharing, guidance has been restructuring enterprise internal integration.
Functional change of six is pushing ahead, and constantly improve the regulation efficiency.
Seven is a comprehensive and effective to strengthen the party's construction, for the state-owned assets reform, development and provide a strong guarantee.


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